Today we talk about Poems, a book by Aicha Daidai published with our publishing house Europe Books.
Europe Books had the pleasure of interviewing the author, Aicha Daidai, to get to know her better,
If there was a particular moment that led her to the writing of her autobiographical book Poems, as
well as what she would like to hear from her audience.
Below you can find our interview. Take a seat and enjoy your reading!!!
- Is there a particular moment in your life that led you to the writing of your book of poetry? What was it?
In November 2023, I went through a really hard time with my mental health. I had trouble regulating my thoughts healthily and found comfort writing poetry to help transform my thoughts into words that would make sense to how I was feeling. The series of Poems came at different times in my life some hard and joyful. Sometimes if I was in a dark place, I would write a poem about nature to help me come Out of that dark place mentally and imagine I was in a place that felt better. I guess I use poetry as a form of meditation and therapy. For example, my poem “city life” is my way of expressing how peaceful I feel when I am around nature, sometimes our lives can be so hectic and stressful but if we take time out just to appreciate the simple things in life and the beautiful creation around us we can learn that tranquillity really is all around us we just have to look for it.
- What would say is the best audience of your book?
Everyone really. Anyone who can relate to dark times no matter age, race religion or culture. We all experience hardships so anyone who is seeking comfort I hope they can find it in my book.
- What would you like to hear from them?
I would love to hear their life stories, anything that motivates them to push through dark times. I’d love to understand people’s coping mechanisms when they experience difficulties with their mental health and how they find the inner strength to keep going.
- Is there a book you are particularly attached to and that has taught you something?
I wouldn’t say I’m attached to any book but there is a book called ‘the four agreements’ by Miguel Ruiz that inspired me to write my poem ‘what is pain?’ Although our beliefs are different, I love how Ruiz dives into the human psyche and soul and how we can be our own worst enemies sometimes. The way we speak to ourselves is so important and sometimes we don’t understand the power of our words and the effect it can have on our self-esteem and others. He speaks about children and how free they are and how we should aspire to be like them because as we get older, we become trapped in our negative misconceptions of how should be and that can really limit our abilities to reach our full potential.
- Are you working on a new writing project you can tell us about?
I have an instagram page called “poems_by_aich” and I am always writing new poems and uploading them onto there. I write when I feel inspired or in a place of emotion as that’s when I feel like I am most creative. Perhaps I can turn those poems into another book or use it to inspire people through media etc. I’m open to learning new skills and meeting new people who can help increase my knowledge and experience.
Europe Books thanks the author, Aicha Daidai, once again for taking the time and answering our questions. We are really pleased to have walked alongside her on the editorial path that led to the publication of her book Poems. We wish her the best of luck for her future works.
To you, my readers, may this book enable you to reflect, motivate you, and inspire you to move forward and find the inner strength to keep going even in the darkest or most challenging times.
So, my dear readers, all I have to say is to enjoy your reading!
Your editor!