Today we talk about Better Life For You, a book by Mihai Alexandru Ciordas published with our publishing house Europe Books.
Europe Books had the pleasure of interviewing the author Mihai Alexandru Ciordas to get to know him better, what prompted him to the writing of his book Better Life For You, as well as what he suggests in his book can support the changing of someone’s life.
Below you can find our interview. Take a seat and enjoy your reading!!!
- What prompted you to the writing of your book?
I am a medical doctor for almost 50 years. I finished the University of Medicine in Bucharest in Romanian 1976. By that time that University was International recognised, and country was under communism so was not any material advantage to treat people, we worked under fixed salary; I learned to treat people well, to get healed without any material interest. Since then, I was working very hard sometimes 12 hours per day and I did thousands of night duties. I was working in different countries and continents and I realised that the human nature is the same. I was working as General Practitioner, Specialist Physician, and Specialist in Family Medicine. In my medical career I saw people of my age; I managed to give back the life to people clinically dead. I made walking and talking to people with stroke or legs paralyses, I helped women with long standing infertility to give birth; I healed “impossible” cases. I wrote this book because I want to help as many possible people to “get better” to have a better life and enjoy living.
- What characteristics your audience should have to appreciate your book?
This book is for everybody who can read and understand it. Some people will not appreciate because there is no 100 consensuses. However, I think that many people will benefit and appreciate this book. The audience who will benefit are people who WANT to have a better quality of life. The ones who BELIEVE can change and have WILLINGNESS to do it will benefit and will appreciate this book. The “sceptics” the ones that think they know everything or the ones they have high standards of living will not benefit because have no willingness to change. The audience, who will benefit the most will, appreciate the most of this book. Those are people who feel they can better; they want to improve their condition and are teachable, ready to learn how to make better life for them and their families.
- What messages did you want to convey with your book?
The happiness is not from outside of us THE HAPPINESS IS FROM INSIDE OF US. If we want a better life we must not try to change the surroundings but we have to change ourselves to better. If we do what we like to do we feel better and that automatically change to better the people around and the situations we are facing. We are a minuscule part of Universe, we were created to become creators of the Earth and we have this power of creation within us. We have to use the power of our brain in good direction and to do what we were meant to do, so we can transform everything to better inside of ourselves and around. The message are FEEL GOOD MOST OF THE TIME which is your goal but also your main tool to have a better life. The next message is to FOLLOW THE UNIVERSAL LAWS, so we can align with the Infinite Intelligence which controls the whole activity of Universe.
- How, what do you suggest in your book can support the changing of someone’s life?
This book makes somebody to understand who really is and what can do with the power of brain. The whole Universe is a huge infinite form of energy presenting as many aspects, such plasma material (mater) and electromagnetic energy, widespread in whole Universe. The human brain has unique power to send electromagnetic energy around at any long distance, and this electromagnetic energy can follow the orders of our brain and can make changes as per our desire which can change situation and other people mind. The book teaches people to understand who we are what our connections with the Universe and our surroundings. This book reveals how we produce electromagnetic energy, and how this energy produce changes outside us. There are full explanations about different types of energy and how the brain can involuntary and voluntary according to our desires energetic changes outside of us and help us obtain what we want most.
- Are you working on a new writing project you can tell us about?
The answer is yes. This is the first book from a projected series of similar type of book. This book has basic learning and is dedicated for the beginners. After reading and understanding this book can go to the next which is for advance readers. I have the intention to publish my new book sometime next year. This new book is dedicated to the advanced readers and has detailed explanation how our brain works, what is motivating our actions how can we use better our brain power. There are details of techniques to be used by our brain in order to get what we want. The title of new book will be CHOSE SUCCESS. But is not the only book on my project. I have the plan to write some other books thereafter, which are meant to change to better many people’s life.
Europe Books thanks the author Mihai Alexandru Ciordas once again for taking the time and answering our questions. We are really pleased to have walked alongside him on the editorial path that led to the publication of his book Better Life For You. We wish him the best of luck for his book and for his future works.
To you, my dear reader, may this book allow you understand how to find happiness within yourself and learn to listen to the messages that the Universe sends to us, because we “talk” to it even if we are not completely aware of. Align yourself with the energy the Universe sends you back and consequently live a better life.
So, my dear reader, all I have to say is to enjoy your reading!
Your Editor!