Today we talk about Faith Fight Forces, a book by Olufemi Olawale published with our publishing house Europe Books.
Europe Books had the pleasure of interviewing the author Olufemi Olawale to get to know him better, if there was a particular moment in his life that brought him to the writing of his book Faith Fight Forces, as well as all the messages he wants to convey through his book.
Below you can find our interview. Take a seat and enjoy your reading!!!
- Is there a particular moment in your life that led you to the writing of your book? What was that?
I was studying the parable of the widow and the unjust judge in Luke 18 where the Lord used that story to teach that men ought always to pray and not to faint. His final statement startled me and as I was meditating on that statement, it occurred to me that we are already in that phase in the world today. What was it? The Lord said, ‘Nevertheless when the son of man comes, will he really find faith on the earth?’ I immediately began to see the forces that are corroding and eroding the faith of men and many of these were analysed in the book. Some of them had to do with increased knowledge as prophesied by Daniel, scientific and technological breakthroughs, breakthroughs in medical science and the falling away of people from God as their primary source. Moreover, the Bible also predicted that iniquity shall abound and the love of many shall wax cold. If you don’t love God, you can’t keep his commandments and that keeps many away from a life of faith. Much more, the Bible also says perilous time shall come for men will become extremely self-loving when a life of faith says faith works by love. It is obvious that this other prediction has also come to pass. Therefore, the book is a clarion call to people all over the world to return to a life of faith in God.
- What characteristics your audience should have to appreciate your book?
The book contains spiritual content. The issues discussed are spiritual and they would be spiritually discerned. It will make meaning to all who use their senses well but it will impact those who already have the spirit of God in them through faith in Jesus Christ. If you have space for God and his principles for living, the book will impact you to mobilise the allies of faith in your ‘good fight of faith’. If God has been crowded out of your life by the forces mentioned earlier, then the book will show you how you can return to him and begin a fresh walk of faith with the unchangeable God of Abraham; the father of faith. Let me mention that without faith, it is impossible to please God. God required diligent search for him by human beings through hearing, meditating and obeying his word. If any man lives in this world without living by God’s principles as contained in the Bible, he is not living by faith and he will face dire consequences when he leaves this world for ignoring the God of all flesh. So, the audience that will enjoy the book are those who have respect and desire for God, his word and his ways for he said he will look at those who tremble at his word.
- What messages did you want to convey with your book?
The Bible in Luke 21:25 spoke of distress of nations with perplexity. This is the stage the world is entering now. There has been so much changes and more changes are expected with exponential rapidity. It is also written that men’s heart will fail them because all known anchors will fail as we engage the next three or four decades. So, the messages are:
– The only anchor that will hold in this age is not insurance or wealth or medical science but unshakable faith in a changeless God – the Father of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
-People must return to God and walk by faith and not by sight.
-A life of faith is a life of fight. The Bible says we should fight the good fight of faith and lay hold on eternal life. The world and its systems will fight our resolve to follow God so we must fight back using only the weapons approved by God our Father. It is a good fight because you are on God’s side. It is a good fight because Jesus the author and finisher of our faith has won the ultimate victory, we are fighting as an occupation army. It is a good fight because the world and its iniquitous inventions and systems will oppose and challenge us but we are to maintain our territory, our resolve to keep on living by faith in God.
– If you engage the various forces that are allied in faith fight, you will live in victory in this dark and ruthless world. For instance, if you engage the force of love in your faith fight, then you will know and find it easy to serve God, his kingdom interests and people with all that you are and have. That way, you will be fulfilling the injunctions of Jesus Christ in Matthew 6:30-34.
– Faith neither stands nor fights alone. The book of James in the Bible emphasized that if we claim to have faith, we must have accompanying works of faith. He said faith without works is like body without spirit and such faith is dead. Faith in the living God must be living faith, so it must have visible accompanying works.
- How would you describe your writing style?
I do not know how to describe writing style but I think I am largely deductive in my approach. I compare and combine scripture with scriptures.
- Are you working on a new writing project?
Yes, I am working on new writing projects. One of them is titled ‘Tripod of Life’. Tripod of Life is a book that challenges known position on attitude and seek to bring the reader into appreciating a more comprehensive framework of forces that shape life.
Europe Books thanks the author Olufemi Olawale once again for taking the time and answering our questions. We are really pleased to have walked alongside him on the editorial path that led to the publication of his book Faith Fight Forces. We wish him the best of luck for his book and for his future works.
To you, my dear reader, may the many messages conveyed by the author be a source of encouragement and reflection which enable you to focus on how to survive and evolve among the changes that are currently happening with great rapidity. May God guide you and may you be able to listen to him and follow his guidance!
So, my dear reader, all I have to say is to enjoy your reading!
Your Editor!