Today we talk about Planting the Seeds of Wisdom – A personal Collection, a book by Hans Unim published with our publishing house Europe Books.
Europe Books had the pleasure of interviewing the author Hans Unim to get to know him better, where and why he found the inspiration to write his book Planting the Seeds of Wisdom – A personal Collection, as well as what life experiences find expression in his book.
Below you can find our interview. Take a seat and enjoy your reading!!!
- Where and when did you find the inspiration to write your book?
Fundamentally, my initial inspiration stems from the Christian-based cultural background. I’m a native of Nigeria (West Africa) who has spent most of his adult life in Europe, more precisely, in Italy. In my African home country, religious affiliation is taken very seriously from early childhood. This devotion is characterized by regular church attendance, Bible classes and cultural gatherings focused on Christian worshipping. Later on, this background was further reinforced by a personal conviction that the life and teachings of Jesus Christ seem to be ignored, or I might say, undermined in the contemporary societies worldwide. I felt it as a spiritual call and privilege to dive deeper into the interpretation of the Christ wisdom otherwise known as the Christ consciousness. Last but not least, I was further motivated as a family and community leader to bequeath a spiritual legacy faithful to my understanding and practice of the Christian philosophy.
- What is the message you want to convey to your readers?
The core message I would like to deliver to my readers is that Christ has won the world, as the Holy Bible clearly states in various passages! In other words, despite all the challenges we do encounter in everyday life personally and globally, at the end of it all, light shall always prevail. Thus, faith is the driving force of the entire book. The impact and fruits of its presence, as well as the hidden dangers of its absence, are elaborated throughout the writing. Christianity considers humans as spiritual beings; therefore, a truly accomplished life must be anchored on spirituality rather than materialism. I wish to convince no one, but sincerely hope to provide some food for thought, after going through the different life scenarios analysed. I strongly believe that messages of hope and unity are critical in our present dispensation, characterized by many life-obliterating wars, as well as social unrest. All these chaotic events plant seeds of discord and frustration, leading us to the brink of desperation. In a nutshell, I intend to emphasize the importance of positive and fulfilling mindset in crafting our common destiny.
- What significant life experiences find expression in your book?
Indeed, my personal life has been a rollercoaster of both positive and worrisome events. However, my overall assessment is overwhelmingly positive, as the results of these extensive exposures shaped the man I eventually became. Since childhood, I’ve had the rare privilege of traveling around the world, coming into contact with several cultures, races, tribes, name it. The main lesson I picked from these exchanges is that we are all the same wherever humans are found. Beyond the conventional and stereotypical sense, we are all intimately in desperate need of receiving and learning to love one another. Still, we must first understand and find a consensus on the meaning of the word love. My book traces its definition and consensus around the Christian concept of love, which is nothing other than unconditional exchange of positive energy. Wherever I managed to integrate and cooperate with other community members, this has always been the fertile terrain of such relationships.
- What sensations did you feel by seeing your book published?
Well, I recalled what the Bible states: “In the beginning it was the Word.” I mean that it all started with the thought and plan of writing a meaningful book project which could leave a lasting legacy of the author, but at the same time be appreciated by a publishing house which could possibly steer the process of distributing and making it available to the wider audience. Based on this standpoint, my sensations are obviously those of satisfaction and accomplishment, hoping to be further approved by the global-readership. Surely, it should never be given for granted to start a project and smoothly run through all stages of its enactment. So far, so good! Therefore, I seize the opportunity of appreciating all the editorial partners at Europe Books for your assistance and mentorship, confident of a continuous and fruitful cooperation. This spiritual essay is a confirmation of my living dream of reaching my children, grandchildren and community at large with a lasting memory. As the Latin adage goes: “Verba volant, scripta manent.” A book is forever….
- Are you working on a new writing project, you can tell us about?
I am not currently engaged in any other book project. As a matter of fact, by profession I’m a medical doctor and researcher, therefore this project has been a massive undertaking and deviation from my original field of investigation. It has been a 3-4 years journey which merits to be rightly digested before taking into consideration any new assignment. Thus, at the moment, I can’t confirm or deny any future book project. I strongly rely on Godly Providence, by means of which inspiration and creative moments are unpredictable but endless.
Europe Books thanks the author Hans Unim once again for taking the time and answering our questions. We are really pleased to have walked alongside him on the editorial path that led to the publication of his book Planting the Seeds of Wisdom – A personal Collection. We wish him the best of luck for his book and for his future works.
To you, my dear reader, may this book let you remember that even if the moments of shadow are many, the light will always prevail. My wish is that you always seek a positive mental attitude, functional to living a better and fulfilling life.
So, my dear reader, all I have to say is to enjoy your reading!
Your Editor!