Today we talk about DECODING DESIRE: A Crypto-Crime Love-Revenge Story, a book by PAUL BRACKLEY published with our publishing house Europe Books.
Europe Books had the pleasure of interviewing the author PAUL BRACKLEY to get to know him better, what prompted him to write his book DECODING DESIRE: A Crypto-Crime Love-Revenge Story, as well as what books he is particularly interested in and that have taught him something.
Below you can find our interview. Take a seat and enjoy your reading!!!
- What prompted you to the writing of your story?
I decided to write my novel after I sold my business and was looking for something more to do. Like a lot of people, I often wondered about writing a book and then subsequently read that only about 5 percent of people that want to write a book actually start doing it, and only 1 percent end up completing their book and getting it published. I decided that I wanted to be in that 1 percent. Also, I was not sure if anyone would be interested in my writing and figured out the only way to find out is to get published. With the advent of self-publishing as an option this seems easier now than it used to be.
- What are the messages you wanted to send out to your readers?
The main motivator for me in embarking on the writing journey is that I wanted to write a suspenseful crime-fiction novel that readers would enjoy but also add in the philosophies of Eckhart Tolle. Eckhart is a person who is someone I have followed for years and whose ideas have helped me so much in my outlook on life. So, I wanted to both entertain readers with the story but also add somewhat to their knowledge of a way of thinking that might be new to them and help them to enjoy life more, which is what Eckhart ideas have done for me.
- Are there any books you are particularly interested in and that have taught you something?
Yes, the Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle. His philosophy has helped me to work through a tragedy I’ve had in my life and to live in the moment rather than be lost depressingly in thought. On the writing style and suspense aspects I tried to emulate my favourite crime-fiction authors, Dick Francis and John Grisham. Both authors who write story lines I feel like mine, events that could happen to anyone if you’re in the wrong place at the wrong time. Also going back in time to the 60’s, I loved Carter Brown for his great casual entertainment value in the crime-fiction genre.
- How was your publishing experience?
I initially self-published with Amazon but then found how hard it was to take the time to promote my book. This is why I went with Europe books. I found the work required to promote a self-published book was a lot harder and less enjoyable than actually the work of writing my book. For a younger person with good computer skills and knowledge of social media it would be a lot easier but unfortunately, I do not process these skills.
- Are you planning to write more books? Can you reveal more about it?
Yes, I would like to continue the adventures of my main character Jerome Baxter. Maybe write a series although still in just the ideas stage so far. I have a good knowledge of how crypto-currency systems work and will follow through on that theme. Crypto is the currently in the consciousness of many people and because of the opportunity to perpetuate fraud in this area, it makes it a subject that any modern crime-fiction writers can now entertain.
Europe Books thanks the author PAUL BRACKLEY once again for taking the time and answering our questions. We are really pleased to have walked alongside him on the editorial path that led to the publication of his book DECODING DESIRE: A Crypto-Crime Love-Revenge Story. We wish him the best of luck for his book and for his future works.
To you, my dear reader, may this book amuse you, entertain you and provide you with new points of reflection which allow you to live a better life and enjoy it as much as possible.
So, my dear reader, all I have to say is to enjoy your reading!
Your Editor!